Season Six Recap of 2024 and Season Seven Plans for 2025

Now that 2024 is over, we are taking the time to review our travels during Season Six of 2024. We’re also revealing what our plans are for Season Seven for 2025.

Season Six was filled with a variety of experiences. From Colorado, we headed west to California, then turned north up to Washington before turning around back south to California and east to home. We stayed inland, in the mountains on the way north and came back south along the Pacific coast. In addition to the main travel season, we also made a short ten day trip down to Texas for the Total Solar Eclipse in the spring (Total Solar Eclipse, Lake Whitney, Texas - April 8th, 2024).

We also made three short trips during the winter without our RV. These were mainly snow shoeing and cross country skiing trips: Snow Mountain Ranch, Keystone, and Soldier Hollow.

The statistics for Season Six (excluding the winter trips) were 11,983 miles in five and a half months, plus ten days for the Solar Eclipse trip, for a total of 170 nights on the road. We traveled through eight different states: Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington, camping in 49 different campgrounds. We visited 14 national parks along with 16 other federal lands, as well as 23 different state parks. We also strolled through ten different towns.

Our travels included deserts, mountains, giant trees, waterfalls, volcanoes, caves, sand dunes, lakes, the ocean, rocky beaches and tidal pools. The wildlife that we encountered were big horn sheep, deer, elk, hawks, eagles, quail, osprey, buffalo, bear, grouse, lizards, snails, banana slugs, seals, sea lions, dolphins, star fish, crabs, sea anemones, fish, sea otters, river otters, turkeys, turkey vultures, marmots, jack rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, ducks, geese, skunk, raccoons, bobcat, roadrunners, woodpeckers, beetles, bees, butterflies, and a tarantula.

We completed our 52 Hike Challenge in 2024 for the fifth year in a row. We actually went on 73 hikes for a total of 380 miles and 57,600 feet of elevation gain. We went on bike rides and Ann paddled her board across lakes. A boat took us across Lake Tahoe and another took us out onto the ocean.

The towns we explored were Waco Texas, Kanab Utah, Truckee California, Medford Oregon, Bend Oregon, Portland Oregon, Snoqualmie Washington, Olympia Washington, Newport Oregon, and Monterey California.

For Season Seven, we are traveling a little differently. We’re storing our RV for the season and heading over to Europe. Although we won’t be camping, our style of travel will be familiar. There will be plenty of hiking and cycling along with strolling around small towns. However, our modes of travel and lodging will be different. There were be a variety of transportation, from boats, trains, planes, automobiles as well as by bicycle and on foot. Lodging will also be diverse, including hotels, on boats, on trains, in small B&B’s, and mountain huts.

We start off by taking Amtrak from Denver to Fort Lauderdale, then board a transatlantic cruise that transports us to England, with ports of call in Portugal, Morocco, and Spain. We spend about three months exploring England, Ireland, and Scotland which includes a cruise on the canals on a narrow boat, a hike and bike tour of the Cotsolds, and exploring the Ring of Kerry and the Dingle Peninsula by car, learning to drive on the wrong side of the road.

After a few days in London, we hop over to Amsterdam to catch a cruise down the Rhine River. After spending some time enjoying the Alps of Switzerland, we head to Chamonix in France to hike the Tour du Mont Blanc. Tour du Mont Blanc is a 100 mile long distance hiking trail that circles the base of the tallest mountain in the Alps, Mont Blanc. As the trail passes through France, Italy and Switzerland, we are spending the nights in a mixture of small hotels and mountain huts. Most people complete the Tour du Mont Blanc in seven to ten days, but we’ve chosen to take a slower pace, taking 21 days to complete the route.

After completing the hike, we spend some time in northern Italy at Lake Como, the Cinque Terre, and the Dolomites. Then we make a loop through Austria, stopping in Salzburg, Vienna, and Innsbruck, before ending in Germany. A bike tour from Nurnberg is followed by a visit to Munich for the Oktoberfest. From there, we fly home on our first and only flight of the whole trip.

We’ve been planning this trip for about three years now, so we are really excited about getting this adventure started. We hope you’ll enjoy following along. We will try to make a post about once a week, but there may be times that there are two or three weeks between posts, like during the transatlantic cruise. Please be patient with us.

Check out our related video: Season Six Recap of 2024 and Season Seven Plans for 2025



Goblin Valley State Park, Utah - October 6th to 10th, 2024